1 God the I AM who does not change
brings mercies ever new;
no time nor space exceeds the range
of One whose grace this world finds strange -
yet we have found it true.

2 So Jesus Christ, from yesterday
through all todays the same,
the same for evermore, the Way,
the Truth by whom alone we pray,
the Life, the sovereign Name:

3 From heaven's light to earth's deep gloom
you brought your kingdom's call:
but for your word was found no room;
for us you faced the cross, the tomb,
yet triumphed, Lord of all.

4 All power is yours, our great High Priest,
to save completely now
all those, the greatest and the least,
who come to God through you, Lord Christ,
and to your glory bow.

5 So grant this church you planted here
by street and path and home,
to preach this truth each changing year,
each week, each day, this grace to share
and see God's kingdom come.

Christopher M Idle (b.1938)
© Christopher M Idle, admin. The Jubilate Group
Metre / Suggested tune: 8 6 8 8 6 / GYLCOTE by Ruth Woodcraft; GRANDCHILDREN by Paul Wigmore

CCL# 3800917