1 God's word to God's world! In one name alone
the truth must be told, the Saviour made known;
since Jesus has suffered and died for our sin,
God's kingdom is offered for all to come in.

2 Since God first loved us, we grow by his love;
the word of the cross shows mountains can move:
it links every nation, it leads to one song;
in Christ our salvation the weak are made strong.

3 Encircling the earth by prayer and in praise
we witness new birth, new hope and new ways;
where churches are sowing the seed of God's word
his kingdom is growing, his harvest assured.

4 Each language and land, each culture and race
for all, God has planned a pathway of grace;
to wait or to travel, not ours but his choice,
to silence the devil and tune to God's voice.

5 One Father of light, one Saviour for all,
one Spirit, ignite your church by your call;
in faith and repentance our hearts are your throne;
your word makes the entrance, your love is the crown:
Lord Jesus, come!

Christopher Idle
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
10. 10. 11. 11

CCL# 3280290