1 Had not the LORD let Israel say
Had not the Lord been on our side,
When men who took us for their prey
Attacked us like a surging tide;
2 The waters would have stopped our breath
And stifled our despairing cries,
We should have been engulfed in death,
So swiftly did the waters rise.
3 The LORD be praised: our cries were heard,
The wolves were not to seize their prey;
We kept our freedom like a bird
That slips the net and flies away.
4 Our help is in our Maker's name,
The LORD who built the earth and sky:
He that upholds that mighty frame
Will guard his own with watchful eye.
Psalm 124, David G. Preston based on Isaac Watts (1674 - 1748)
© D.G. Preston/Jubilate Hymns