1 Hail, our once-rejected Jesus!
Hail, our Galilean king!
You have suffered to release us,
hope and joy and peace to bring.
Patient friend and holy saviour,
bearer of our sin and shame;
by your merits we find favour,
life is given through your name.

2 Paschal Lamb, by God appointed,
all our sins on you were laid;
by almighty love anointed,
full atonement you have made.
All your people are forgiven
through the virtue of your blood;
opened is the gate of heaven,
we are reconciled with God.

3 Jesus! Heavenly hosts adore you,
seated at your Father's side;
crucified, this world once saw you,
now in glory you abide.
There for sinners you are pleading,
and our place you now prepare;
always for us interceding,
till in glory we appear.

4 Worship, honour, power and blessing
you are worthy to receive;
loudest praises, without ceasing,
right it is for us to give.
Help us, bright angelic spirits
joined with ours, your voices raise;
help to show our saviour's merits,
help to sing Emmanuel's praise.

Jubilate Hymns Version of Hail, thou once despised Jesus , John Bakewell (1721 - 1819) and others
© Jubilate Hymns Ltd
8 7 8 7 D Trochaic

See also: Hail, O once rejected Jesus!


CCL# 1098175