1 Happy are those whose offence is forgiven,
whose sin is covered by God;
happy are those whom the Lord reckons righteous,
whose heart is free from deceit.
2 While I kept silent about my wrongdoing
my strength was ebbing away:
daytime and night-time your hand was upon me;
its weight was crushing my life.
3 Then I admitted the sin that defiled me
and hid it from you no more;
when I resolved to confess it with sorrow
then you remitted my guilt.
4 So let God's people discover his goodness
and pray to him in their need;
he is my refuge when floods swirl around me,
my guard, protector and guide.
5 'I will instruct you and lovingly teach you
the road that you should pursue;
horses need bridles and lack understanding,
but you can find the right path.'
6 Trust him, and his steadfast love will surround you;
refuse, and great is your grief:
sing and be glad in the Lord, all believers,
and shout for joy in his name!
Christopher Idle from Psalm 32
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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