1 Happy day of great rejoicing!
We proclaim a saviour's birth,
for a child lies in a manger
Jesus Christ is born on earth.
Gladly come, in worship kneeling
by the cradle of the Son;
sing with joy, ring out your praises,
'Welcome to the holy One!'

2 Prince of peace, God's Word incarnate,
with the poor identified;
all his riches and his glory
for love's sake are laid aside.
Jesus comes to his creation,
loving saviour, God's dear Son:
sing with joy, ring out your praises,
'Welcome to the holy One!'

3 Hear the message of salvation
Jesus brings to every race,
see the infant who embodies
God's great glory and his grace.
Purest light will reach dark places
through the love of Christ the Son:
sing with joy, ring out your praises,
'Welcome to the holy One!'

Mollie Knight
© The representatives of the late Mollie Knight / The Jubilate Group

CCL# 874242