He lives in us, the Christ of God
1 He lives in us, the Christ of God,
his Spirit joins with ours;
he brings to us the Father's grace
with powers beyond our powers.
So when enticing sin grows strong,
and human nature fails,
God's Spirit in our inner self
fights for us, and prevails.
2 Our pangs of guilt and fears of death
are Satan's stratagems
by Jesus Christ who died for us
God pardons; who condemns?
And when we cannot feel our faith,
nor bring ourselves to pray,
the Spirit pleads with God for us
in words we could not say.
3 God gave the Son to save us all
no greater love is known!
And shall that love abandon us
who have become Christ's own?
For God has raised him from the grave,
in this we stand assured;
so none can tear us from God's love
in Jesus Christ the Lord.
Michael Perry (1942 - 1996)
© Mrs B Perry/Jubilate Hymns