How great a God
1 How great a God would come to earth,
know sorrow, weakness, pain
to live the perfect life for me
then die to bear my shame?
How great a God could break the cords
that bound me tight in sin
then rise to reign eternally
so I might live through him?
2 How great his love to seek me out
while I was truly lost
and pay the price to set me free
no matter what the cost.
How great his love - to bring me back
from all the wrongs I’ve done -
his victory, complete in me,
my rebel heart now won.
3 How great his strength to keep me safe
when I forget he’s there,
so faithful when I stray from him
and place my trust elsewhere.
How great his heart, so full of grace
to share himself with me
and pour upon my thirsty soul
his mercy deep and free.
4 How great his word, a living hope
of heaven’s joy to come;
for with the angels I shall bow
in worship of God’s son:
All glory to our risen King;
the Lamb upon his throne!
At last I see him face to face
and hear him cry, “My own!”
words © Mark Chambers / Jubilate
music © Peter Burton / Jubilate
administered by Jubilate Hymns Ltd