1 How brightly gleams the morning star!
What sudden radiance from afar
delights us with its shining?
God's glory breaks upon the night,
and fills our darkened souls with light,
who long for truth were pining!
Your word, Jesus, truly feeds us,
rightly leads us, life bestowing.
Praise such mercy overflowing!

2 By you alone can we be blessed
then deep be on our hearts impressed
the love that you have borne us;
so make us ready to fulfil
with fervent zeal your holy will,
though many vex or scorn us.
Saviour, let us gladly hear you,
duly fear you, long to know you!
All we are and have, we owe you.

3 All praise to him who comes to save,
who conquered death and spurned the grave!
Our adoration rises
to him, the Lamb who once was slain,
the Friend whom none shall trust in vain,
whose mercy yet surprises.
Sing, you heavens, tell the story
of his glory, till his praises
flood with light earth's darkest places!

Wie sch leuchtet der Morgenstern, Johann Schlegel (1721 - 1793), translated by Catherine Winkworth (1827 - 1878), adapted Michael Perry (Word and Music)(1942 - 1996)
© Word and Music/Jubilate Hymns
8 8 7 D 8 4 4 8

CCL# 1049117