1 How can scholars boast of wisdom
or the strong be proud of power,
or the wealthy vaunt their treasures
which shall perish in an hour?

2 Few of all the wise and mighty,
few with riches or high birth
God has chosen, but the humble,
counted nothing on this earth.

3 So by those the world despises
God has put its strength to shame;
none can glory in his presence,
none may boast but in his name.

4 God delights to keep his covenant;
all he does is just and right,
and his act of highest mercy
makes us holy in his sight.

5 So to know him is our glory
and the cross is all our pride,
where to all this world's inducements
we with Christ are crucified.

6 Christ our wisdom, power, and treasure!
Freed by him, with him made one,
all who love him, called his people,
boast of what the Lord has done!

Christopher Idle from Jeremiah 9, 1 Corinthians 1, Galatians 6
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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CCL# 2608062