How great is God almighty and how worthy to be praised
1 How great is God almighty and how worthy to be praised,
for the city of our holy God shall make the world amazed;
his mountain ever beautiful before our vision raised
the Joy of all the earth!
Glory be to God the Father,
glory be to God the Saviour,
glory to the Holy Spirit,
for ever, Three in One!
2 In Zion city God himself will be our sure defence
all the kings of earth who ever reigned are stripped of vain pretence;
they see his throne in glory and in fear they scatter thence
the Power of all the earth!
3 Like eastward wind your mighty arm will sweep your foes away;
we have seen fulfilled in Zion all the truth of what you say:
we think of your eternal love and worship every day
the Praise of all the earth!
4 The day shall come at last when every wrong is turned to right;
we shall see in Zion's citadel the ending of the night:
in every generation we are passing on his light
the God of all the earth!
Richard Bewes (born 1934)
© Richard Bewes/Jubilate Hymns
15 15 15 6 and refrain