How joyful is the song
1 How joyful is the song
that tells of peace and love;
of Christ, the Lord awaited long,
descending from above!
2 From God's eternal home
he stooped to time and space,
and humbly chose a virgin's womb
to be his dwelling place.
3 He lived with us on earth,
by fierce compassion driven,
his life as humble as his birth,
to show the way to heaven.
4 And lowlier, in the tomb
he did not scorn to lie,
that we frail mortals might assume
his immortality.
5 How joyful is the song
that tells of peace and love;
of Christ, the Lord awaited long,
descending from above!
Version by Michael Perry (Word and Music)(1942 - 1996) of a text by Jean Baptiste de Santeuil (1630 - 1697), translated Robert Campbell (1814 - 1868)
© Word and Music/Jubilate Hymns