How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord most high
1 How lovely is your dwelling place,
O Lord most high,
we long to know more of your grace,
and yearn to see you face to face,
O Lord most high!
2 The sparrow comes to build her nest,
O Lord most high,
and in your house finds peace and rest:
so may we to be ever blessed,
O Lord most high!
3 Your people come to you again,
O Lord most high,
for here we feel your strength, like rain
refreshing us through toil and pain.
O Lord most high!
4 In fellowship your love we share,
O Lord most high,
far better is one day of prayer
than any spent in worldly care,
O Lord most high!
5 How lovely is your dwelling - place,
O Lord most high,
we bring you all our trust and praise,
and ask your blessing on our days,
O Lord most high!
After Psalm 84, Barbara Woollett (born 1937)
© Barbara Woollett/Jubilate Hymns
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