1 How sure the Scriptures are!
God's vital, urgent word,
as true as steel, and far
more sharp than any sword:
So deep and fine,
at his control
they pierce where soul
and spirit join.

2 They test each human thought,
refining like a fire;
they measure what we ought
to do and to desire:
For God knows all
exposed it lies
before his eyes
to whom we call.

3 Let those who hear his voice
confronting them today,
reject the tempting choice
of doubting or delay:
For God speaks still
his word is clear,
so let us hear
and do his will!

Christopher Idle from Hebrews 4
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns
6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 Iambic

CCL# 2621393