1 How we long to find peace through the Lord our God
When we walk in his love and his light;
For the prayer of our hearts is to do his will
And his peace is our soul's delight.
When the mountains of life seem to rise too high
And the valleys of doubt too low,
Then the words of his love spoken from above
Bring the calm of his peace below.

2 For he promises peace in a world of war,
To a people who suffer through strife,
Where the bomb and the gun are the tools of death
To destroy every human life.
May the nations seek peace and find new faith
In the Saviour whom we adore,
Till we come to the time which shall surely come
When our sighing shall be no more.

3 For the world has no peace like the peace he brings,
Where the power of his spirit within
Is able to satisfy those every day
Who find their forgiveness in him.
For the peace of the Lord is a perfect peace,
Which only his people may know,
For we see in his face God's abounding grace
And his blessings to us overflow.

Christopher Porteous (born 1935)
© Christopher Porteous/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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CCL# 3617863