1 How we thank you, Jesus, Saviour -
all the faltering prayers we make
rise like incense to your Father,
and he listens for your sake.

2 From your name flow power and fragrance:
Lord, you suffered in our place,
making our entreaties welcome
at his throne of peace and grace!

3 He attends to our petitions,
he can hear our faintest cries;
and his Spirit fills the spaces,
pleads with deep, unspoken sighs.

4 All our prayers - however feeble
they may sound to us on earth,
when they're gathered up in heaven
gain incalculable worth.

5 Prayers ascend, and heaven falls silent,
every voice and movement stilled -
then, as you present our offering,
love and justice are revealed.

Emma Turl
© Emma Turl, admin. The Jubilate Group
Metre: 8 7 8 7

CCL# 5749485