I am the bread, the bread of life
1 I am the Bread, the Bread of Life;
who comes to me will never hunger.
I am the Bread, the Bread of heaven;
who feeds on me will never die.
And as you eat, remember me,
my body broken on the tree:
my life was given to set you free,
and I'm alive for evermore.
2 I am the Vine, the living Vine;
apart from me you can do nothing.
I am the Vine, the real Vine:
abide in me and I in you.
And as you drink, remember me,
my blood was shed upon the tree:
my life was given to set you free,
and I'm alive for evermore.
3 So eat this bread and drink this wine,
and as you do, receive this life of mine.
All that I am, I give to you,
that you may live for evermore.
Brian Hoare (born 1935)
© Brian Hoare/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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