1 I love my great Lord
whose mercy has heard
and answered my cry;
to God I will call till the day that I die.

2 The shackles of death
had pulled me beneath
and close to the grave;
but then I cried out to the Lord who can save.

3 My soul, take your rest!
The Lord had so blessed
and granted to you
protection and confidence, timely and true.

4 From death and its fears,
from stumbling and tears,
O Lord, you saved me
to live, and to walk with you, faithful and free.

5 How can I repay
what God gives today
for me and for all?
Your cup I shall welcome, your name I will call.

6 My praises I will
in public fulfil;
whatever shall come
your service is freedom, your presence is home.

7 Lord God, I shall raise
thankofferings of praise
your love to acclaim:
O sing Hallelujah, and bow to the name!

8 All praise now be given
to the Father in heaven,
all praise through the Son,
all praise in the Spirit: praise God, everyone!

Christopher Idle from Psalm 116
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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CCL# 3354676