1 I will exalt you, God, my King,
for ever praise, for ever sing
all glory to your treasured name:
all praise, all love our hearts proclaim!
2 As parents to their children tell
how always God does all things well,
so I delight to meditate
how just you are, how good, how great.
3 Believers trust and pray and prove
the glories of your mighty love:
our streets shall sing, our cities bloom,
your everlasting kingdom come!
4 In every promise God keeps faith;
you raise us, Lord, from sin and death;
you help the strugglers in the race
redeemed, sustained, and crowned by grace.
5 By truth that shines in all your ways
you guide your people all their days;
your loving care for humankind
ensures that all who seek shall find.
6 How happy those who come to know
your love so full, your wrath so slow!
You give us life and health and food:
to all, so near; for all, so good.
7 As generations take their turn
and saints in each your glory learn,
your name be praised, and praised again
and praised for evermore: Amen!
Christopher Idle from Psalm 145
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd