If you ask me how I know
1 If you ask me, how I know
that Jesus Christ is real,
I'll tell you that I trust His Word
and not just what I feel.
He came to me, He lives in me,
He fills my heart with love.
I know Him as my Living Friend
Who leads me on to heav'n above.
2 If you ask me, how I know
My sins are all forgiven,
I'll tell you how my Saviour died
To pave my way to Heaven.
He suffered there in lonely pain,
Cut off from God for me.
He took the burden of my guilt,
He died alone to set me free.
3 If you ask me, how I know
There's life beyond the grave,
I'll tell you, Jesus rose again,
Victorious to save.
He came to me, He lives in me,
He fills my heart with love.
I know Him as my living Friend
Who leads me on to Heaven above,
Who leads me on to Heaven above.
Norman Warren (born 1934)
© Norman Warren/Jubilate Hymns
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