In the name of Christ we worship;
in his name we offer praise;
come to earth to be our saviour,
king of glory all our days.
Time may pass, events may happen,
joy or sorrow be our share;
he alone remains unchanging,
bringing hope when we despair.
When our nation faces conflict;
when destruction's all around;
when the buildings that we treasure,
totter, crashing to the ground.
Christ can undergird his people,
bringing healing to their pain;
pointing onward, pointing upward,
to restore them once again.
Then, when hope is rediscovered,
every challenge has been met;
through the power of the Spirit
joy replaces our regret.
So we sing our hymns of gladness,
pray our prayers of heartfelt trust,
as the focus of our planning
rises slowly from the dust.
Celebration, celebration,
as together we recall
the renewal of the challenge
to our people, great and small,
who express throughout the media,
what is seen and what is heard.
Those who write and those who broadcast,
those who propagate the word.
Thanks we offer to the Father;
thanks to Jesus Christ his Son,
thanks to God, the Holy Spirit.
Thanks for ever, Three-in-One!
Michael Saward (b.1932)
© Michael Saward, admin. The Jubilate Group
8 7 8 7 D
Tune: Corvedale (© Maurice Bevan)
Written for St Bride's Church on the 50th anniversary of the rededication of the church