1 In the still of the night,
a mother looks down,
a child in her arms;
tenderly she smiles
and touches his face,
the image of grace:
fullness of the deity
in fragile mortal form;
wonder now as once did she,
the Son of God is born.

2 In the chill night air,
a shepherd looks up,
an angel is there;
splendour fills the skies,
as beautiful music glorifies -
God who loved the world so well,
he gave his only Son:
God with us - Immanuel,
our saviour Christ has come!

3 In the still of your heart,
recall to mind at Christmas-time,
One who left the stars,
and humbled himself
to death on a cross.
Son Eternal, without sin,
was yet made sin for us,
reconciling all to God
through sacrificial love.

4 In the fullness of time,
this Christ will return
once more to the world;
crowned with glory then,
yet bearing the scars of suffering,
and for ever he will reign,
the Lord, the Prince of Life!
All his glories, now proclaim
our saviour Jesus Christ!

Judy Gresham
© 2002 Judy Gresham / The Jubilate Group

CCL# 4988364