1 It was just two thousand years ago
He walked thro' Galilee,
The eternal God had stepped below
In human form to be;
Born of a lowly Hebrew maid,
A carpenter He was by trade;
He came down,
Two thousand years ago.
They tell of Jesus' glory,
Who met Him in the Way;
And it is no idle story,
for He lives in me today:
He gives me peace and purpose true,
A power that's old but ever new;
God came down,
Two thousand years ago.
2 It was just two thousand years ago
He died on Calvary;
It was for sin He suffered so,
Though innocent was He.
My sin and guilt lay on His head;
My penalty He bore instead;
He suffered,
Two thousand years ago.
They tell ...
3 It was just two thousand years ago
An empty tomb was found;
The stone was rolled away we know,
The powers of hell are bound;
My risen Lord is now on high,
He lives that we may never die,
He triumphed!
Two thousand years ago:
They tell ...
Richard Bewes (born 1934) and A Boddington (born 1937)
© Richard Bewes/Jubilate Hymns
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