1 It was no empty dreamer
foretelling our release;
our God, our great Redeemer,
has promised perfect peace.

2 No crime will curse the nation,
no warfare wreck your days;
your walls shall be salvation
and all your gates be praise.

3 No sun will shine before you
nor moon adorn the night;
your God will be your glory,
the Lord, your lasting light.

4 The tree that God has planted
will spread across the land,
the place that God has granted
the people of his hand.

5 The covenant he gave us
will bring that longed-for Day;
for Christ who comes to save us
we watch and work and pray.

6 The Lord our God has spoken,
his purpose must prevail;
our peace shall not be broken,
his word can never fail.

Christopher Idle from Isaiah 60
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
7 6. 7 6. (or 7 6. 7 6. D)

CCL# 3808768