J stands for Junior
J stands for Junior
M stands for Mission,
A'stands for All 'cos everybody's welcome!
Day by day through JMA
we're sharing in mission the Jesus way.
1 Learning the Christian way to live,
learning to help by what we give;
learning of people Jesus died for,
learning about the church worldwide, for
J stands for Junior ...
2 Praying for home and overseas,
praying for all who fight disease;
praying for those who serve by caring;
praying for all the gospel sharing
J stands for Junior ...
3 Serving our neighbours here at home,
serving wherever need is known;
serving the church in every nation;
serving the Lord of all creation
J stands for Junior ...
If a shorter single verse version is required, the following could be used preceded and followed by the chorus.
Keeping the promise we have made:
learning how Jesus is obeyed;
praying for folk in every nation;
serving the Lord of all creation
J stands for Junior ...
Brian R Hoare (born 1935)
© Brian Hoare/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
8 8 9 9 and refrain