1 Jerusalem on high
my song and city is;
my home when I shall die,
the centre of my bliss:
O happy place!
when shall I be
with God, to see
him face to face?

2 There reigns my Lord, my king,
judged here unfit to live;
there angels to him sing,
and lowly homage give:

3 The patriarchs of old
there from their travels cease;
the prophets there behold
the longed-for prince of peace:

4 Sweet place, sweet place alone,
the home of God most high;
the Heaven of heavens, the throne
of holiest majesty:

Jubilate Hymns version of 'Jerusalem on high', Samuel Crossman (1624 - 1684NS)
© Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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CCL# 2618708