Jesus, the joy of loving hearts
1 Jesus, the joy of loving hearts,
true source of life, our lives sustain:
from the best bliss that earth imparts
we turn unfilled to you again.
2 Your truth unchanged has ever stood,
you rescue those who on you call:
to those yet seeking, you are good-
to those who find you, all in all.
3 We taste of you, the living bread,
and long to feast upon you still;
we drink from you, the fountain head,
our thirsty souls from you we fill.
4 Our restless spirits long for you,
whichever way our lot is cast,
glad when your gracious smile we view,
blessed when our faith can hold you fast.
5 Jesus, for ever with us stay,
make all our moments calm and bright;
chase the dark night of sin away,
spread through the world your holy light.
words: Jesu, dulcis memoria,
anonymous Latin translated by Ray Palmer (1808-1887)
metre: 8 8 8 8 (LM)
Welsh translation:
1. Iesu gorfoledd pawb a gâr
Ffynnon bod, cynhalia ni:
O bob hyfrydwch dan y nen
Trown yn sychedig yn ôl i'th gôl.
2. Saif dy wirionedd fel erioed,
Achubi bawb a eilw arnat.
Da wyt i'r rhai a'th geisiant oll,
I'r rhai a'th gant eu trysor cu.
3. Archwaethwn di y bara bywiol
A mynnwn wledda ar dy ras,
Yfwn ag awch o afon dy serch,
Fe'n llwyr ddiwellir ynot ti.
4. Hiraetha'n heneidiau amdanat ti
Beth bynnag fo'n cyflwr,
Llawen wrth weld dy wynepryd
Dan fendith mewn disgwyliad ffydd.
5. Iesul aros gyda ni
Heddycha'n hoes a'th lewych gwych,
Ymlidia nos pob pechod cas,
Taena'th wawl drwy'r byd i gyd