1 In the garden,
with shadows forming,
hear our Saviour
in prayer and mourning:
“Dear Abba, Father, take away
this cup you pour for me today.”

2 In the garden,
with branches swaying,
his disciples
are watching, praying;
but soon this garden’s lullaby
brings measured breath and sleeping eyes.

3 In the garden,
with moonlight beaming,
kneels our Saviour
with blood-sweat streaming;
and from the lips of God’s own Son:
“Yet not my will, but yours be done.”

4 In the garden,
with Jesus waiting,
Judas enters,
his kiss betraying.
The soldiers come, disciples flee
this place we call Gethsemane.

words © Susan Goforth / Jubilate
music © David Hill / Jubilate
admin. Jubilate Hymns Ltd

CCL# 7232526