King David was a man of war
1 King David was a man of war,
of battle and of blood,
whose warfare often came before
his quiet walk with God.
2 He had to learn he could not build
a temple for the Lord;
the cries of those he maimed and killed
might drown the heavenly word.
3 A house of peace, a place of prayer,
for sacrifice and praise;
how could he rest his conscience here
when blood had filled his days?
4 But David's Son in days to be
would gain a different throne;
another man of blood was he
the blood was all his own.
5 It shouts against the human race,
it shows the depths of sin;
it offers welcome, pardon, grace,
God's kingdom bursting in!
6 And in this blood is all our hope
and in that cross, our peace;
and if we dare to share this cup,
Christ, make our wars to cease!
Christopher Idle from 1 Chronicles 22 and 28
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd