Let creation bless the Father,
glorify his name on high!
In him all things have their being,
live and move unceasingly:
angels and archangels praise him,
all the hosts of earth and heaven;
power and might are his for ever
who the Son to us has given.

2 Let creation greet in Jesus
God the Father's promised Christ,
seek and find in him salvation,
Lamb of God once sacrificed;
raised from death, in glory seated
at the Father's side again:
all God's children wait the moment
for the coming of his reign.

3 Let creation bless the Spirit,
present through all time and space
in the work of life's unfolding,
source of order, truth and grace:
all the wealth of words and music,
art and science, quest of faith
these are signs that God is with us,
that his Spirit fills the earth.

4 Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
undivided and supreme;
filling all things, yet descending
to our lives, to dwell within:
through the church, let every creature
learn to love and not destroy;
let creation, reaching upward,
scale the heights of peace and joy!

David Mowbray (born 1938)
© David Mowbray/Jubilate Hymns
8 7 8 7 D Trochaic

CCL# 3374656