1  Let us praise God together, let us praise;
let us praise God together all our days:
he is faithful in all his ways,
he is worthy of all our praise,
his name be exalted on high!

2  Let us seek God together, let us pray;
let us seek his forgiveness as we pray:
he will cleanse us from all our sin,
he will help us the fight to win,
his name be exalted on high!

3  Let us serve God together, him obey;
let our lives show his goodness through each day:
Christ the Lord is the world's true light-
let us serve him with all our might,
his name be exalted on high!

James Edward Seddon (1915 - 1983)
© The Representatives of the late James Edward Seddon / Jubilate Hymns

CCL# 3500372