Life-giving Lord, here we offer him back to you,
loved one for whom now we grieve and we yearn.
Yet as by giving you never did forfeit him
so we've not lost him, Lord, by his return.

Lover of souls, your great love is unquenchable,
you dwell enthroned in the city of light;
life is eternal and death an horizon, Lord,
and what is that, but our limit of sight?

Strong Son of God, lift us up to see distantly,
draw us beside you with sheltering grace:
you, risen Lord, are preparing a place for us;
prepare us also for that happy place.

Now to our God who will keep us from faltering,
who will present us with joy on that Day,
to him be given the glory and majesty,
throughout the ages, we venture to pray.

David Mowbray (b.1938)
© David Mowbray, admin. The Jubilate Group

CCL# 5975589