Lift up your hearts and give thanks to the Lord
1 Lift up your hearts and give thanks to the Lord,
Tell of His deeds in the world around;
Sound forth His praise in thanksgiving and song,
Call on His name with a joyful sound.
2 Think on His works and rejoice in His Name,
Seek for His help, He is always near;
Ever remember His great works of old,
Saving His people from sin and fear.
3 He is the Lord who is ruling on high,
Sifting and judging men's hearts and ways;
He will fulfil every promise He made
Faithful and true to eternal days.
4 In all the testings His people endure,
God in His power, is their sure defence
Saviour and King, mighty refuge and tower,
Great in His love and omnipotence.
5 God's chosen people are led forth with joy,
Singing with gladness their hymns of praise;
They claimed the blessings He promised to give,
Pledged to observe all His laws and ways.
James Edward Seddon (1915 - 1983)
© The Representatives of the late James Edward Seddon / Jubilate Hymns
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