Light beyond shadow, joy beyond tears,
love that is greater when darkest our fears;
deeper the peace when the storm is around,
dearer the Christ to the lost who is found.

Light of the world, Jesus shining, shining!
Sins of the world, see him dying, dying!
In our darkness, he is light,
in our crying, he is love,
in the noise of life imparting
peace that passes understanding:

light beyond shadow, joy beyond tears,
love that is greater when darkest our fears;
deeper the peace when the storm is around,
dearer the Christ to the lost who is found.

Paul Wigmore (b 1925)
© Paul Wigmore / Jubilate Hymns

Set to the tune: WAVENDON (John Dankworth)
in Worship Songs Ancient and Modern (Canterbury Press)

CCL# 2765905