1 Listen to my prayer, Lord,
hear my humble cry:
when my heart is fainting,
to your throne I fly.

2 In earth's farthest corner
you will hear my voice:
set me on your rock, Lord,
then I shall rejoice.

3 You have been my shelter
when the foe was near,
as a tower of refuge
shielding me from fear.

4 I will rest for ever
in your care and love,
guarded and protected
as by wings above.

5 All that I have promised,
help me to fulfil;
and in all who love you
work your perfect will.

6 May your truth and mercy
keep me all my days;
let my words and actions
be my songs of praise!

After Psalm 61, James Edward Seddon (1915 - 1983)
© The Representatives of the late James Edward Seddon / Jubilate Hymns
6 5 6 5 Trochaic

CCL# 3260887