1 Listen to my prayer, O God,
Under trouble's crushing load:
All around my foes rampage,
Clamouring for me in their rage;
Terror overwhelms my heart,
Every instinct says, Depart!
O for wings, that like a dove
I could reach the hills above,
Or some distant wilderness,
Safe from all the storm and stress.

2 Lord, confuse their thoughts and plans,
Curb their wild marauding bands:
Constant violence, daily strife
Tear apart our city's life;
Fraud, oppression and deceit
Take control of every street.
Trust has met a bitter end:
See, the traitor, once my friend,
Leaves the way of faith we trod
Now he courts the wrath of God.

3 Still I call upon the LORD
Till my cry for help is heard;
Morning, noon and night I cry
And he answers from on high:
He will ransom me unharmed,
Though my foes are fully armed.
From his everlasting throne
God will make his verdict known,
Judging in such godless days
Those who will not change their ways.

4 Sacred bonds these traitors breach,
Feigning peace with smoothest speech,
Words that sound like soothing oil,
Yet are swords designed to kill.
Cast your cares upon the LORD
Trust his promise, prove his word!
He will ever bear you up,
Never to betray your hope;
Hardened sinners reap their due:
I, O LORD, will trust in you.

Psalm 55, David G Preston
© David G Preston/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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CCL# 3358191