Long ago to London's city
came a servant of the Lord,
sent to lead a holy mission,
facing pagan flame and sword.
By the Saxon tribes surrounded,
he, to peasant and to king,
spoke of Christ, whose church was founded
and its story now we sing.
On the hill, close by the Ludgate,
this bold Christian staked his claim.
Built a house for godly worship
and Mellitus was his name.
From this early congregation
as the centuries have flown
spreads the gospel of salvation
from a cradle to a throne.
Down the ages, pain and pleasure,
joy and sorrow, guilt and grief,
have befallen London's people,
blend of faith and unbelief.
Still the church proclaims its message
of a God who never tires,
for he seeks to help the needy
and fulfils their best desires.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
ever faithful, ever true,
for our nation, church, and city,
hear the prayer we raise to you.
Michael Saward
For the 1400th anniversary of London diocese - 2004
© Michael Saward / Jubilate Hymns
Suggested tune: CORVEDALE (Maurice Bevan)
8 7 8 7 D