1 Looking unto Jesus
Who has gone before,
Now enthroned in glory,
King for evermore.
Born again of His Spirit,
Saved by His shed blood,
Given work to be done for Him,
Joined to Him by love:
Looking unto Jesus
Who has gone before,
Now enthroned in glory,
King for evermore.

2 Looking unto Jesus,
In the Christian fight,
Seeking grace to witness,
Strengthened by His might,
With the armour of Jesus,
With the Spirit's sword,
With much prayer that He'll bless His Word,
Fighting for the Lord:

3 Looking unto Jesus
Who despised the shame,
Throwing off all hindrance
As we bear His Name.
Help us face all temptation,
Lord, help us discern,
Give us courage to speak for Thee
Help our light to burn:

Michael Baughen (born 1930)
© Michael Baughen/Jubilate Hymns
6 5 6 7 7 5 8 5 Trochaic and Refrain

CCL# 1357809