1 Lord Christ, the morning star!
When longest night's gone far
you rise within our hearts to give a blessing.
Protect us, Lord, we pray,
until that promised day
when with your saints we welcome your appearing.

2 Lord, from the heights you came,
not seeking earthly fame,
content for truth's sake and for us to suffer.
Shaken, we recognise
God's love before our eyes
and in return, our lives, our hopes we offer.

3 Lord Christ, unshadowed light,
God's own reflection bright
and overbrimming with the Spirit's fulness!
Bring every thirsting mind
this well of life to find,
the fountain of the Father's perfect goodness.

David Mowbray (b.1938)
© David Mowbray, admin. The Jubilate Group
Tune suggestion: Down Ampney

CCL# 5975606