Lord Jesus, think of me (Lord Jesus, think on me)
[Modernised Version]1 Lord Jesus, think of me
and take away my fear;
in my depression, may I be
assured that you are near.
2 Lord Jesus, think of me
by many cares oppressed;
in times of great anxiety
give me your promised rest.
3 Lord Jesus, think of me
when darker grows the day;
and in my sad perplexity
show me the heavenly way.
4 Lord Jesus, think of me
when night's dark shadows spread;
restore my lost serenity,
and show me light ahead.
5 Lord Jesus, think of me,
that when the night is past
I may the glorious morning see
and share your joy at last!
Jubilate Hymns version of 'Mnoeo Christe', Synesius of Cyrene (c.375 - 430) adapted by Allen W Chatfield (1808 - 1896)
© Jubilate Hymns Ltd