Lord, teach us to rejoice in you
1 Lord, teach us to rejoice in you
in chains or liberty;
but not to rest one hour too long
while others are not free.
2 Grant us your patience, gentle Christ,
if hunger stalks our path;
but when our sisters have no bread
lend us your righteous wrath.
3 Help us, strong Christ, to know your grace
wherever we may live;
but for our brothers' homelessness
divine impatience give.
4 Give us a peaceful, quiet mind
for all we lack or need;
but zeal to help when neighbours cry,
to heal where nations bleed.
5 Lord Christ, you came not for yourself;
for us you faced the worst:
for your sake let us serve your world;
for their sake, put you first.
Christopher Idle from Philippians 2 and 4
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd