1 Lord, we pray, remember David,
all the hardships he endured,
how he swore an oath, invoking
Jacob's mighty God, the Lord:
'I will give myself no respite,
neither rest nor sleep afford,
till I find a dwelling-place for
Jacob's mighty God, the Lord.'
2 In a distant field we found it
found his ark and worshipped there:
'Come, O Lord, in power amongst us,
grant what now we ask in prayer:
righteousness to clothe your priests in,
joy to make your people sing'
and recall your servant David,
smile on your anointed king.
2A In the fields of Jaar we found it
found his ark and worshipped there:
'Come, O Lord, in power amongst us,
grant what now we ask in prayer:
righteousness to clothe your priests in,
joy to make your people sing'
and recall your servant David,
smile on your anointed king.
3 God the Lord once swore to David
words that he will not disown:
'One of your direct descendants
I will place upon your throne;
if your sons observe my covenant
and the statutes I make known,
then for evermore will their sons
also sit upon your throne.'
4 For the Lord has chosen Zion:
'There I'll dwell for evermore,
I will bless her with abundance,
feed her hungry and her poor,
clothe her priests with my salvation,
make her saints rejoice and sing,
shame her foes, and ever strengthen
David's glorious son, my King!'
David G Preston (born 1939) from Psalm 132
© David Preston/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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