1 Lord, you can make our spirits shine
with light from brighter worlds above,
and cause the dew of grace divine
to fall on those who seek your love.

2 Now to the church your blessing give
on all who teach and all who learn;
that both in you may holier live
and every light more brightly burn.

3 Give those who learn a listening ear,
a godly heart and humble mind:
such gifts can help the poorest here
the riches of your truth to find.

4 Let those who teach, themselves be taught
faith, hope and love, with zeal to pray;
make pure their hearts and wise their thought
as true disciples of your way.

5 O bless the shepherd, bless the sheep,
that guide and guided may be one;
one in the faithful watch they keep
until this earthly life is done.

6 O Lord, let grace to us be given
in you to live, in you to die;
and so, before we rise to heaven,
we taste our immortality.

Jubilate Hymns Version of O thou who makest souls to shine , John Armstrong (1813 - 1856)
© Jubilate Hymns Ltd

CCL# 1046512