Lord, you see our troubled nation
1 Lord, you see our troubled nation,
what we think and how we live;
where we turn away from wisdom,
spurn the life you long to give.
Now we bring our prayer before you:
in your mercy, Lord, forgive.
2 Wealth, celebrity and status
have become the common goal;
desperate quest for selfish pleasure,
harming body, killing soul.
Now we bring our prayer before you:
curb our madness, make us whole.
3 Words and gestures filled with anger,
sadness etched on many a face;
people trapped by godless choices,
lives in which you have no place.
Now we bring our prayer before you:
turn their hearts, Lord, by your grace.
4 You have made your people partners
in your mission far and near,
called to show and tell how Jesus
saves from sin and drives out fear.
Now we bring our prayer before you:
give us grace to persevere.
5 When I am perplexed or timid,
still I long to live for you;
galvanise me by your Spirit,
making strong and keeping true.
Now I bring my prayer before you:
Lord, your power in me renew.
6 May your people share your vision
till your work of grace is done,
and the kingdoms of this world are
made the Kingdom of your Son.
Then our prayers will turn to praise as
earth and heaven are joined in one!
Derek Baldwin
© Derek Baldwin / admin. The Jubilate Group