Mary of the incarnation
1 Mary of the incarnation,
youthful mother of her King,
listening, trusting, travelling, working:
see her wonder, hear her sing!
O for such a mind as Mary's,
sharing memory, word and sign,
quick to learn, by speech or silence,
where the water flows as wine!
2 Mary of the crucifixion,
warned of this heart-rending role,
following close where nails and scourges
tear her Son and pierce her soul.
O for such a love as Mary's,
costly, pure, enduring long,
sharing threats and thorns and darkness,
when most helpless, then most strong!
3 Mary of the resurrection,
true disciple, Spirit-born:
all her joy is God her Saviour;
blessed is she who learned to mourn!
O for such a faith as Mary's,
life that death cannot erase,
greeting new-found brothers, sisters,
one in Christ for prayer and praise!
Christopher M Idle (born 1938)
© Christopher M Idle/Administered by The Jubilate Group
part of the podcast series: 30 Hymns: Christopher Idle with Lance & Sue Pierson