Music sounds the joy of human hearts,
Heals the wounds of life and calms the anxious soul,
Speaks our praise, and in our prayer makes known
All our human longings here to be made whole.

Mary sang to magnify the Lord,
She who was to bear the One to set us free;
We today still sing that glorious song,
We who heard the voice of Christ, 'Come, follow me.'

Angels sang their song from starry skies,
Bearing news that Christ was born, the Lord of all;
Shepherds heard the song and ran to find
Jesus, baby lying in the ox's stall.

Jesus with his friends one fateful night
Sang a psalm of David, Israel's song of praise;
Comes the Mount of Olives, anguished prayer,
Judas, ill intent within his heart, betrays.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, hear
All the songs of thanks, of praise, of prayer we bring;
May our music glorify your name,
Lift up high the love of Jesus Christ, our King.

Paul Wigmore (b.1925)
© Paul Wigmore / administered by the Jubilate Group
Tune: Cumbria

CCL# 5534724