After Psalm 145

1 My God, my King, I'll lift you high
and praise your name from day to day,
your greatness, Lord, beyond our scope
to trace or fathom or portray.
Your timeless wonders, told and sung,
delight the old, inspire the young.

2 While your unequalled majesty
consumes my thoughts and prompts my praise,
around me many an eager voice
declares the justice of your ways.
Your love, which cannot fail or fade
extends, O Lord, to all you made.

3 Let all creation give you thanks,
as those who worship you make known
the glorious acts that set apart
a kingdom centred on your throne -
the kingdom that will never cease,
where all your people live in peace.

4 You hold us when we start to fall,
you share our load of cares and grief.
Expectantly, we look to you
assured that you will bring relief.
By loving words and righteous deeds,
O Lord, you meet your people's needs.

5 For you are always close at hand
to answer every honest prayer,
protecting those who cherish you,
destroying evil everywhere.
I'll praise you, Lord, as days go by -
let all creation lift you high!

Emma Turl
© Emma Turl, admin. The Jubilate Group

suggested alternative tunes: SURREY (Henry Carey); REST (John Stainer)

CCL# 6616964