1 My shepherd will supply my need
The LORD his sacred name;
In pastures green he makes me feed
Beside the living stream.

2 He brings my wandering spirit back
When I forsake his ways,
And leads me, for his mercy's sake,
In paths of truth and grace.

3 When I descend the darkening path
Where death awaits its prey,
You guide me with your rod and staff
And drive my fears away.

4 Before the presence of my foes
A royal feast you spread;
My cup with blessing overflows,
Your oil anoints my head.

5 God's mercy, goodness, love and grace
Pursue me all my days;
His house shall be my dwelling-place
Of everlasting praise.

Psalm 23, David G. Preston based on Isaac Watts (1674 - 1748)
© D.G. Preston/Jubilate Hymns

CCL# 5421868