My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
and my spirit sings for joy to my Saviour God!
His lowly slave he looked upon in love;
they will call me happy now, for mighty are the works
he has done, and holy is his name.

In every age, for those who fear the Lord
come his mercy and the strength of his mighty arm:
he routs the proud, throws monarchs off their thrones,
while he lifts the lowly high, fills hungry ones with food,
and the rich sends empty away.

To Israel his servant he brings help
and the promise to our fathers is now fulfilled;
for Christ has come, according to his word,
and the mercy that he showed to Abraham is now
for his children's children evermore.

Tune: ANDREW MARK (Norman Warren)

Christopher Idle from Magnificat
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
10 12 10 13 9

CCL# 960754