Now as a lamp to guide my footsteps
1 Now as a lamp to guide my footsteps
your word lights up my path to you.
I vowed to keep your righteous judgements
and this indeed I mean to do.
Lord, when afflictions overwhelm me,
fulfil your word: my life renew.
2 O Lord, accept the praise I offer,
make your directions plain, I pray.
At every step where danger threatens
still help me hold to all you say
and, though the wicked wait to trap me,
let me not wander from your way.
3 Your timeless promise I inherit,
true source of riches unsurpassed!
May I be drawn to your commandments
and act upon them to the last,
your word a lamp to guide my footsteps
as on my path its light is cast.
© Emma Turl, admin. The Jubilate Group
Metre: 9 8 9 8 9 8
Based on Psalm 119:105-112
Suggested tunes: PEWLEY DOWN (Gill Berry); FRAGRANCE aka BERGERS (Traditional French melody); THE LAMP (John Turl)